Mar 21, 2024

10 Ways to Increase Mobile App Revenue | Mars Studios

Increase Mobile App Revenue
Increase Mobile App Revenue
Increase Mobile App Revenue
Increase Mobile App Revenue

Ways to Increase Mobile App Revenue

Even though businesses and app developers can make a lot of money from mobile apps, you might not know how to raise the average revenue from your apps. So how precisely do apps make money? Here are a few of the numerous ways you could increase the revenue from your app.

1. Incorporate In-App Stories
2. Practice Good App Store Optimization
3. Carefully Implement Push Notifications
4. Use In-App Ads
5. Build Email Lists
6. Implement In-App Purchases
7. Create User-Friendly App Design
8. Offer Subscriptions
9. Gather and Analyze User Data
10. Increase Engagement With Deep Linking

1. Incorporate In-App Stories

Using in-app stories is one of the best ways to boost app revenue. These are entertaining and interactive strategies to draw people in and influence them to take desired actions. You can basically integrate the well-known Instagram Stories feature into your own app by using in-app stories.

Personalized messaging and additional content are used in in-app stories to establish a more personal connection with users. Stories can range from in-app onboarding procedures that effectively acquaint users with your app to distinctive and opportune push notifications that entice users to return.

There are two ways in which in-app stories can boost revenue.

Initially, apps can increase in-app purchases by employing product stories to create a more efficient sales funnel. Using CTA buttons, swipe-ups, or product tags, for instance, you could use app stories to display products and direct users to the purchase page. Users would find it simpler than ever to proceed through the buyer's journey as a result. Because users are more likely to take action when you appeal to their specific needs and wants, personalized stories that use the right content to connect with audiences will further drive engagement.

2. Practice Good App Store Optimization

ASO, or app store optimization, is a fantastic approach to increase app store income, particularly through promoting more downloads. In order to rank highly in app stores and encourage users to download your app, app store optimization (ASO) comprises filling your app store page with high-quality content.

3. Carefully Implement Push Notifications

When utilized improperly, push notifications can annoy users, but when done right, they can be a great way to monetize an app. With over a billion push notifications sent daily, Hopper CEO Frederic Lalonde calculated that an astounding 90% of the company's revenue came from these notifications.

The secret is to strategically use push notifications to promote interaction without bothering users. Make sure users can benefit from each push notification. Additionally, you can incorporate personalized messages into stories to entice users to come back to your app and finish tasks like making a purchase or moving forward with a goal.

4. Use In-App Ads

One of the greatest ways for app owners to monetize their creations is still through app ad revenue. People frequently prefer to watch ads within apps rather than paying for a premium version of the app, which is one of the main reasons why app advertising revenue is frequently so high. Customers are prepared to give up a tiny bit of convenience in order to have a more economical experience.

Even though you might prefer that users pay to download and install your app, providing a free or freemium version may be worthwhile due to the in-app advertising revenue. You can display a wide variety of ad formats in your app, such as in-app story ads, capture forms, full-screen ads, and notification ads.

5. Build Email Lists

You can enhance your app's revenue, including app ad revenue, by using email marketing to keep users interested in your product. Users will be reminded to return by sending out regular emails to those on your email lists, whether it's with a new product or update announcement or just a friendly reminder to visit again.

Using an in-app subscription form that asks users to enter their email addresses in exchange for something of value is one way to grow your email lists. Then, email marketing can maintain these users' interest in various ways. One way to keep your app and brand in the forefront of people's minds is to distribute weekly newsletters or new blog posts. You'll increase app traffic and revenue as a result of the process.

6. Implement In-App Purchases

Even though most apps are initially available for free download, you can increase the revenue from free apps on your mobile device by including in-app purchases. Mobile games and other freemium apps frequently allow users to download the app for free but restrict access to certain features. Users can purchase specific in-app items or gain access to these gated features by paying a set amount.

In-app purchases may also include services with in-app billing options as well as the acquisition of tangible goods through eCommerce apps. You must, however, choose the ideal ratio between premium and free features. If you gate too much content, users may remove your app and avoid it completely, but if you keep too many features free, they may not finish purchases.

7. Create User-Friendly App Design

Creating a positive user experience is also a great way to boost revenue from mobile app ads and other sources. Customers are likely to quit your app and avoid it if it isn't clear, simple to use, or efficient.

Make sure your app is simple to use and helps with the onboarding of new users in order to maintain consistent user engagement and cultivate a base of devoted users. Using stories to walk new users through the process and show their progress from the beginning is a great way to accomplish this. Additionally, everything should be simple to find with your app, allowing users to find different items and easily complete purchases.

8. Offer Subscriptions

Give users the option to subscribe, if at all possible. Subscriptions can offer users a variety of options to entice them to subscribe, whether for a single app or a service like a magazine subscription that extends beyond your app. For instance, users could be able to select from three different plans: a lower, middle, and upper tier, each of which offers supplementary services. Based on the services they desire and their budget, users can then choose the tier that best suits their needs.

As users progress to the next tier over time, you might be able to upsell subscriptions based on individual budgets and the user experience.

9. Gather and Analyze User Data

You can enhance the revenue generation of your app by examining app revenue analytics along with additional user data. You can assess the success of your app and make future plans by gathering data on things like user behavior, app ad revenue per user, and app revenue by country. You can determine what is and is not working and use that knowledge to improve the experience and increase sales.

For example, you may discover that users are giving up on your app after a while. You can determine what's causing these users to uninstall the app and make any required adjustments to keep them coming back with the correct app revenue data and other analytics.

10. Increase Engagement With Deep Linking

Using deep linking is one last strategy to boost mobile app revenue even more. With links that lead users straight to the page needed to finish a particular task, deep links make it easy and quick for users to return to your app.

This is especially helpful in getting people to return to a cart that has been abandoned. If you would like to remind users to finish their purchase, you can use a push notification that directs the user to the checkout page via a deep link. At this point, the user's only task would be to supply payment details, which would simplify and ease the process for them.

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Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved by Mars Studios Dijital Hizmetler Anonim Şirketi